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Salary On-Demand

Pay your people when they need it

Offer your employees Salary On-Demand
at zero cost to company


Retention up by 36%

Faster Hiring

2.6x faster hiring

Low absenteeism

Low absenteeism

Why Salary On-Demand

Salary On-Demand (EWA) gives employees access to their earned salary instantly, between pay cycles

Not a loan

Not a loan

Zero cost to


Your role as an HR leader, made easier

Attract the best

Increase your appeal towards your workforce

Zero cost

No expenses, no liabilities for your company

No change in cash flow

Refyne credits all salary requests, reconciles with your payroll

Increased productivity

Employees perform better when they are stress-free

Inclusive platform

Incorporate the entire workforce: even off-roll or contractual

Customise policy

Fix salary withdrawal limits as per your unique policy

Multiple & hassle-free ways to integrate

Refyne integrates with any HRMS or rewards platform to provide a seamless experience

HRMS integration automates the complete workflow minimising overhead to payroll/accounting teams

HRMS integration automates the complete workflow minimising overhead to payroll/accounting teams

Manual mode helps you get started immediately without any development dependencies

Embedded mode allows you the option to integrate with your company’s proprietary HRMS

Hybrid model provides the option of a mixed approach to suit your unique needs

Refyne credits the employee instantly
in just a few clicks


Employee requests earned pay on Refyne

Mobile Icon arrow

Refyne credits salary instantly

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Refyne reconciles with your payroll

Calendar Icon

You know where it all stands, with analytics

Your employees are happier

Rupee Icon

Access to earned pay, real-time

Bill Icon

Manage unplanned expenses better

High Interest Loan

Free from high interest loans

Language Icon

Available in 11 languages

Productive Icon

More productive at work

Happy Icon

Live a stress-free life

Person Holding Mobile

Begin your employee financial wellness journey today